Paddy Wagi

Paddy Wagi

Born and raised in the diverse ancient landscape of Papua New Guinea, Paddy Wagi is a local indigenous photographer. With a distinct perspective of the world around him and a keen eye for detail, Paddy uses photography to promote his culture and his identity.

A young budding photographer with an eye for detail, colour, vibrancy and beauty Paddy studies some of his role models of the Photographic World, and in PNG has the most amazing landscape of floral, natural beauty of the land. A land of tribal culture, diverse, amazing history and tradition.

In this tropical environment where the majority of the inhabitants live largely traditional village lifestyles in agricultural societies, photography has been a creative outlet that Paddy has used to express his awe and admiration for the rugged landscape that is Papua New Guinea.

Inspired by his family, his culture and his land, Paddy hopes to use photography to share unique images of Papua New Guinea with the world.